
There are times when I am completely lost,
and all the roads seem have closed on me.
I could find no one who would show me a way out,
a way that I seek to walk, to find some light in the end.

But then it is only the darkness that I get,
and a deafening silence, that I follow till the end.
The end, which is nowhere near.

Though there are faces, who call me from the darkness,
they want to be my friends, take my hand and lead me to the light,
but such a recluse I am, that I ignore them,
and I'm left alone with all my absurd thoughts and feelings.

Then I just close my eyes,
and find myself resting in your arms.
The same way I used to,
as when a little child I was years ago.

I now see the light coming from the end,
with my eyes still closed.
The fog starts clearing and all the roads,
I see, now lead to my destiny.

The voices that called out to me from the dark,
have now turned to well acquainted faces, my friends.
My reclusiveness is all gone and,
life, in a moment, has become worth living again.

Thank you! For being my mother,
and inspiration at the same time.


tarun said…
and i still try to find whatever can clear the fog for me..and i try in vain..coz its all in head..
but u me mum and papa were so great when we were one can give so much love and all o it so selfless...
sakshi sharma said…
bro u write too well , nice thoughts coz u r nice from the core of ur heart......
well done...

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